🌐 BTC to collapse pre-halving?

PLUS (on a lighter note): Poetry just became profitable for the first time in human history...

Sup, nerds!

Here’s what you’re getting in today’s edition:

  • 💅 This is cool: Poetry just became profitable

  • 🔎 This seems important: This chart predicts a BTC collapse...

  • 🤝 Partner: Exploring DeFi Technologies (last chance to sign up for a free webinar you don’t want to miss!)

  • 🔪 Let's dissect this: Over a million wallets just received free money…

Terms used in this edition (click for an explanation, or ask Web(GPT)3!):
NFT, Ordinal, Web3, Crypto Wallet.

💅 This is cool:

In one sentence: Maria Caballero's "Cords" poem was minted as a Bitcoin NFT, then sold by Sotheby’s for a tidy $11,000 (something only possible in Web3).

You know those ‘Oh, yep, we’re here to stay’ feelings that you’ll get every now-and-then in Web3?

(Similar to the ‘we are so back!’ feelings, but more permanent).

Yeah, well - we’re having one of those moments rn.

Maria Caballero's "Cords" poem was just minted as a Bitcoin NFT (aka Bitcoin Ordinal), then sold by Sotheby’s for a tidy $11,000.

But that’s not what’s pushing the ‘oh, yep, we’re here to stay’ sentiment…

And it’s not the fact that Bitcoin Ordinals, which only became a ‘thing’ this time last year, is already being embraced by a centuries-old institution like Sotheby’s…

Instead, it’s that — and this is going to sound like a tongue-in-cheek quip that you’d hear from your stuffy uncle (but it ain’t):

Whoever heard of making money from poetry??

Being able to prove poetry as scarce — and at the same time, turn it into a globally tradable asset? That’s only possible with Web3 technology.

And yeah, we agree:

Wheatus’ 2000 hit ‘Teenage Dirtbag’ was poetry in its purest form, and it sold 5M copies worldwide - so to say ‘poetry hasn’t been profitable in the past’ is a stretch…

But the point we’re trying to make is:

The sale of Maria Caballero's "Cords" poem is a reminder that a whole range of things that rely on scarcity to denote their value can now be digitized and traded (globally) - where they couldn’t be previously.

Which means there’s a whooole bunch of new opportunities waiting to be discovered/proven out in the Web3 space.

(‘Oh, yep, we’re here to stay.’)


🥇 Want the news before anyone else?


🔎 This seems important:

In one sentence: In the lead up to the ‘16 & ‘20 BTC halvings, BTC’s price saw a 40-50% drop in price from its then recent highs - this time, analysts predict a ~30% drop to ~$34k.

Alright, time for our bi-weekly(ish) check in with Bitcoin.

BTC bounced off its $38.5k lows of last week, and shot back up to ~$42k over the past 4 days or so.

(That’s a cool $70B worth of total market value, regained in a weekend. Not bad!)

That’s the good news…

Now, let’s get a little doomy n’ gloomy, by diving into some finance-bro-astrology (aka the technical analysis of chart patterns).

ICYMI: in the lead up to both the 2016 and 2020 Bitcoin halvings, BTC’s price saw a 40-50% drop in price from its then recent highs (see image ☝️).

And now a bunch of crypto-market-big-brains are predicting that we’re about to see something similar happen in the lead up to this year’s halving (April 20), with a ~30% drop from the recent high of ~$48k, to ~$34k.

Is this a lock?

No. Not at all.

A lot has changed since 2016/2020, for Bitcoin and the crypto market as a whole. So just because it has happened twice in the past, doesn’t guarantee third time will be a charm.

That said, a lot of people base their buying/selling decisions around these patterns — so even if the process does feel a little silly/made up — they can still predict/move markets.

Now we play the waiting game…


🤝 Partner:

If you haven't heard of DeFi Technologies yet, you’re missing out! 

But it doesn’t have to be that way…

As the Decentralised Finance ecosystem continues to grow and expand, DeFi Tech actively explores opportunities to drive innovation and develop creative, innovative, sustainable solutions, connecting investors to the future of finance.

Valour (a subsidiary of DeFi Tech) offers exchange-traded products (ETPs), listed on regulated stock exchanges across Europe, that enable individuals and institutions to invest in digital assets simply and securely.

The good news is, Russell Starr (Head of Capital Markets at DeFi Tech) is hosting a webinar tomorrow, Tuesday January 30th at 10am PT/1pm ET to discuss all of the opportunities he sees for 2024. 

Join the DeFi Tech team for a sneak peak into what they - as an industry leader - are focused on achieving throughout the year.

The presentation is just 30 minutes, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session.

Click the big red button below to register (it’s free)!

🔪 Let's dissect this:

In one sentence: Last Friday a crypto project airdropped their new token to more than a million crypto wallets which led the token to explode.

Have y'all been airdropped anything yet? 

Not like iPhone to iPhone, but an airdrop to your crypto wallet

We’re asking because last Friday there was a crypto token (known as $WEN) that was airdropped to more than a MILLION Solana wallets, which sparked a rally in the token price.

If you haven’t received an airdrop before, it’s much like receiving an unsolicited airdrop on your iPhone:

Crypto tokens and/or NFTs are sent to your crypto wallet (seemingly at random, and free of charge).

And it’s opening up some new opportunities…

In marketing, there are “The Four A’s”…two of which you can control: awareness and accessibility.

Traditionally they both require long and tedious processes for them to eventually pay off. 

Airdropping tokens and NFTs into wallets immediately communicates to those wallet holders that these assets:

  1. Exist (awareness)

  2. Can be traded/used (accessibility)

Making airdrops (like the $WEN token from last Friday) a quick, easy and cheap way to get in front of potential users and buyers. 



Discussing The Most Hyped Memecoin Right Now: $WEN

👇 Other stuff you may have missed

Alright, that’s it for today!
Love to the family,

 Chevy ,  Seb & The Web3 Daily Team. 

P.S. Want to learn how to research and value cryptocurrencies? We have a framework  that does just that .

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