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  • 🌐 ChatGPT, but for building Web3 apps...

🌐 ChatGPT, but for building Web3 apps...


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Sup, nerds!

Here’s what you’re getting in today’s edition:

  • 💅 This is cool: ChatGPT, but for building web3 apps...

  • 🔎 This seems important: Stupidity = health

  • 🤝 Partner: $1 crypto stock just disrupted the industry

  • 🔪 Let's dissect this: The latest rivalry in web3 is heating up

Terms used in this edition (click for an explanation, or ask Web(GPT)3!):
Web3, smart contract, DAO, memecoins, blockchain, market cap, decentralized exchange.


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💅 This is cool:

SYNTAX: It’s like ChatGPT, but it Writes Web3 Apps For You…

In one sentence: The SYNTAX LLM will compile, test, and deploy Ethereum-based smart contract code, based off your natural language prompts.

Remember the other week when we wrote about an AI model that would let you code Web3 apps with your voice?

The basic gist was this:

Ava Labs, the team behind Avalanche, is working on building an AI interface that would take in natural language prompts (written, or spoken) and return smart contract code (which is what powers Web3 applications).

Only problem was:

The tech was still thought to be ten years away.

Now, that might still be true for the team at Ava Labs — but we just learned that the situation is a little different over at a place called Spectral Labs, where they’ve already got a natural language coding model live and in the field!

The platform is called SYNTAX, and in short:

You state your intent, and SYNTAX does the rest: compiling, testing, and deploying Ethereum-based smart contract code.

It's said to allow users to begin building a DAO with no coding knowledge, write logic for Web3 games, and easily create memecoins.

Is it perfect?


In fact, calling what we saw in some of their demos “natural language” is a stretch — it appears you still need have a pretty good grip on blockchain coding terminology in order to write a successful prompt.

(E.g. ‘Write a contract that calls the UniswapV2Router02 contract and retrieves the factory address’ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).

But it’s no doubt a huge efficiency bump for blockchain developers, a helpful onramp for the crypto-coding curious, and at the very least:

A glimpse at a future where idiots like our intern (Kevin) can code Web3 apps with their voice.

Very cool!


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🥇 Want the news before anyone else?


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🔎 This seems important:

Market Stupidity=Market Health

In one sentence: Right now, the memecoin market stands at ~$58B (having gained 10% in the last 24 hrs) and riskier investments are typically a symptom of a booming market.

Stupidity = health.

Yep, fair point — that one needs a little more context.

When markets are in ‘boom’ phases, you’ll often see investors start to creep further out along the risk curve (i.e. looking for bigger returns in riskier assets, instead of lower returns in safer assets).

Another way of saying that is:

Healthy markets lead to investors making stupid decisions (so in a weird way, an increase in stupidity = a sign of health for the market).

Well, we have some good news!

The market is (apparently) healthier than your cousin Jen on a juice cleanse right now, cause this week memecoins outperformed the wider crypto market.

And memecoins are about as far out on the risk curve as you can get.

(Except maybe for telling your mom to “shut up,” which is a guaranteed death sentence).

As of this writing, the total memecoin market cap stands at ~$58B, having gained 10% in the last 24 hrs.

Let’s hope this momentum can sustain itself.


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🤝 Partner:

$1 Crypto Stock Just Disrupted the Industry

Iron-fisted regulations on bitcoin mining loom over the industry, as high energy consumption leads to concerns about its environmental impact.

And this carbon-neutral mining stock has positioned themselves to take over.

In many cases… they already have.

Read Bullseye Trade to learn more.


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🔪 Let's dissect this:

The Latest Rivalry in Web3 is Heating Up

In one sentence: PancakeSwap has pledged that they will reimburse traders up to $8 million in fees that have been incurred on their competitor’s platform.

BMW vs. Audi.

Nike vs. Adidas.

Coke vs. Pepsi.

PancakeSwap vs. Uniswap.

Today we’re talking about rivalries and this one’s getting hotter than a Pacqui chip.

About a month ago, Uniswap hiked its ‘interface fees’ - fees charged to users to execute trades on the decentralized exchange (DEX) - from .15% to .25%.

Now, the team behind PancakeSwap (a competing DEX) has pledged that they will reimburse traders up to $8 million in fees that have been incurred on their competitor’s platform.

In order to be eligible, any crypto traders who match their Uniswap v3 volume 1:1 on PancakeSwap v3 between May 16 and August 15 will receive a full refund of their Uniswap interface fees through PancakeSwap.

Uniswap users can visit PancakeSwap’s Dune dashboard to check their eligibility and eligible traders must fill out a form to claim the reimbursement.

So yeah, if you’ve been stung by the increase in fees on Uniswap, you may be in luck!

It’s rivalries like this that keeps fees low and promotes continuous innovation.

Your move, Uniswap.


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MineHub Technologies, a pioneer in innovative solutions for the mining industry, welcomes you to explore the future of supply chain management. Whether you’re an investor, industry professional, or simply curious, join MineHub’s CEO, Andrea Aranguren, for a free, 45-minute webinar on May 23 at 1pm PT/4pm ET.

In this webinar, Andrea will delve into how cutting-edge technology is transforming global mineral supply chains. Register here before it’s too late.


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How a DEX Works

👇 Other stuff you may have missed

Alright, that’s it for today!
Love to the family,

 Chevy ,  Seb & The Web3 Daily Team. 

P.S. Want to learn how to research and value cryptocurrencies? We have a framework  that does just that .

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