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🌐 Our secret crypto research tool

PLUS: What exactly is pre-launch token trading?

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What's the likelihood that this $GME pump will spill over into memecoins?

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Sup, nerds!

Here’s what you’re getting in today’s edition:

  • 💅 This is cool: Our secret crypto research tool (hidden in plain sight)

  • 🔎 This seems important: 15 memes added $10B to $GME

  • 🤝 Partner: Green Bitcoin miner disrupts industry forever

  • 🔪 Let's dissect this: What exactly is pre-launch token trading?

Terms used in this edition (click for an explanation, or ask Web(GPT)3!):
Layer 2, degen, DEX, liquidity.


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💅 This is cool:

A Secret Crypto Research Tool (Hidden in Plain Sight)

In one sentence: Grok, the AI built into X (formerly Twitter), is a secret crypto research tool (its trained on Twitter/X content, which is how many crypto trends start).

Ok, we’ve kept this to ourselves long enough.

(And by long enough, we mean roughly two weeks after we heard about it on the Blockworks podcast network).

Grok, the AI built into the premium suite of services on X (formerly Twitter), is a secret crypto research tool hidden in plain sight.

The vast majority of crypto proponents (big and small) have chosen X as their platform of choice to share their thoughts, insights, and research.

So much so that this collective mindshare is affectionately referred to as ‘Crypto Twitter.’

And guess what Grok is trained on? Twitter content.

Which means when you ask Grok a crypto-specific question, it searches through a range of recent, highly-engaged upon posts to give what we’ve found to be surprisingly accurate answers (time stamps and all).

Check out the header image for this article ☝️ we double checked its research against the official CoinGecko Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) rankings, just to be sure:

Grok was correct, but also incorrect…but it was correct in its incorrectness.

Confused? Same. Here’s what we mean:

As of this writing, Arbitrum only commands 29.66% of the total value locked up in ETH L2’s, not 44%. But Grok sights that that figure was out of date, and collected from a tweet posted late last month.

Here’s why this is so powerful:

Crypto trends move fast, and the vast majority are made and debuted on X. Grok isn’t doing anything new by revealing them (spend enough time on X and you’ll notice trends) — but it’s:

  1. Way more efficient.

  2. Looks outside of your account’s echo chamber.
    (E.g. If you had have asked us which L2 was most talked about, before writing this article, we would’ve said Base — hands down).

Alright, now — enjoy!


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🥇 Want the news before anyone else?


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🔎 This seems important:

These 15 Memes Just Added $10B to $GME

In one sentence: In 2021, the $GME mania spilled over into crypto, sparking a run up in memecoins — that same $GME mania has just started again, w/ hopes it’ll hit crypto a 2nd time.

15 and counting.

That’s how many memes it took for @TheRoaringKitty (the dude that drove the GameStop stock mania back in 2021) to add $10B to GameStop’s market value, in just two days of trading.

It started with this post (also pictured above ☝️), after $GME stock started to rise in after hours trading over the weekend — which was Roaring Kitty’s (aka Keith Gill’s) first post since June 18th, 2021.

Since then, he’s been putting on a masterclass in high quality, degen-rallying memes (view them herethis is our favorite so far).

“Ok, that’s cool — but what does this have to do with crypto?”

Fair point!

Back in — what was it, late 2020/early 2021? — when Keith’s theory on $GME being massively undervalued started to enter the zeitgeist, it sparked a chain reaction that spilt over into crypto, and lead to the Dogecoin pump of 2021.

So now Crypto Twitter is playing with the idea that lightning may strike twice, as those that feel they’ve missed out on the recent $GME pump turn to the crypto markets in search of a fresh win.

Whether or not this comes to pass is anyones guess…

But here’s how we hope it plays out:

We’re guessing that many of the folks that took part in the 2021 $GME and $DOGE pumps bought their stocks and crypto via Robinhood (which was the platform of choice at the time).

Since then, those folks have likely either:

  • Sold everything.


  • Watched miserably as their portfolios have slowly bled out.

…for those retail investors that held, if anything is going to bring them charging back into the space with fresh cash, it’s a notification telling them that they’re back in profit (and climbing).

And when retail arrives, things get crazy.

Fingers, toes, and eyes: crossed — hoping this comes to pass!


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🤝 Partner:

Green Bitcoin Miner Disrupts Industry Forever

This $1 Crypto Stock stands to benefit most from substantial regulatory changes.

It’s using 100% renewable energy and is producing bitcoin CHEAPER* than industry whales.

The secret sauce?

Subscribe to Bullseye Trade to learn more.


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🔪 Let's dissect this:

What Exactly is Pre-Launch Token Trading?

In one sentence: Pre-launch token trading can have incredible returns, but it can also end in disaster - but what is ‘pre-launch token trading’?

What if we told you there was a way to invest $1 and get $3000 in return?

The wise words of Seb’s 1st year uni economics teacher, Ms Lebowski, start to ring: “sounds too good to be true? It probably is.”

BUT, it’s an interesting concept.

Today we’re digging into pre-launch token trading.

Here’s how it works:

When a company first announces that their token is going live on a decentralized exchange (DEX), they often provide a portion of tokens to be made available for ‘pre-market trading.’

The idea being that super keen beans can snatch up tokens at a low price, providing liquidity to the market, which can then be used for post-launch token trading.

The problem is, if you’re one of the first to put money into a token, there’s really no benchmark for what a ‘fair’ market value is so the price can be wildly volatile.

In another shoutout to Ms Lebowski, it could be said that in pre-launch token trading there is almost no chance of achieving ‘equilibrium.’

(Not enough supply, or enough demand).

Which is exactly what happened to cryptocurrencies like Wormhole’s (W) token which saw a 3,000% increase in value pre-launch, compared to around 100% one week after the coin was launched.

So, while it’s technically possible to turn $1 into $3000 with this strategy, it’s also possible that if the crypto project is a flop, your $1 could become $0.

(And lets face it, we’re all human, chances of investing just $1 in something like this are slim).

Be careful out there and any time you hear of these opportunities let Ms Lebowski’s words ring in your ears:

“Sounds too good to be true? It probably is.”


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MineHub Technologies, a pioneer in innovative solutions for the mining industry, welcomes you to explore the future of supply chain management. Whether you’re an investor, industry professional, or simply curious, join MineHub’s CEO, Andrea Aranguren, for a free, 45-minute webinar on May 23 at 1pm PT/4pm ET.

In this webinar, Andrea will delve into how cutting-edge technology is transforming global mineral supply chains. Register here before it’s too late.


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Coins VS Tokens: What's the Difference?

👇 Other stuff you may have missed

Alright, that’s it for today!
Love to the family,

 Chevy ,  Seb & The Web3 Daily Team. 

P.S. Want to learn how to research and value cryptocurrencies? We have a framework  that does just that .

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This content is for informational purposes only. Such information should not be construed as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

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Oh, and - whatever you do, do not click  this link .