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  • šŸŒ Want a facelift (in the metaverse)?

šŸŒ Want a facelift (in the metaverse)?

PLUS: Bitcoin is pumping! But could this just the calm before the collapse? Let's dive in...

Sup, nerds!

Hereā€™s what youā€™re getting in todayā€™s edition:

  • šŸ’… This is cool: Want a facelift (in the metaverse)? Same!

  • šŸ”Ž This seems important: BTC is pumping! (But could this just the calm before the collapse?)

  • šŸ¤ Partner: We're up 896 Big Macs right now šŸ”ā€‹

  • šŸ”Ŗ Let's dissect this: Choose your fighter: Bitcoin ETFs vs. $MSTR

Terms used in this edition (click for an explanation, or ā€‹ask Web(GPT)3!ā€‹):
Metaverse, NFT,

šŸ’… This is cool:

In one sentence: Alias is working on a new platform that will allow users to overlay a digital avatar upon themselves (in real time) in video calls and recordings.

Fellow compatriots, gather round ā€” we have news from the mother country!

Better yet, we have news from the mother city ā€” Melbourne, Australia.

(You know, the cool older brother of Melbourne, Canada ā€” no? Ok, moving on).

Alias is working on a new platform that will allow users to overlay a digital avatar upon themselves (in real time) in video calls and recordings.

(Kinda like how, in the past, a select few NFT collections have released software that lets you join video calls as your NFT character).

Which ā€” just a few weeks ago, wouldnā€™t have gotten us all that excited, but as of February 2ndā€¦

We now have a dream of (one day) being able to do the following:

  1. Create our own ultra-realistic digital twin using Unreal Engineā€™s ā€˜MetaHumanā€™ software (see header image for an example ā˜ļø)

  2. Upload it to a platform like Alias

  3. Use it on the Vision Pro

Because Appleā€™s current ā€˜Personaā€™ software just ainā€™t hitting the markā€¦

And we know, we know ā€” before we even typed the words:

We are waaaay over simplifying a cross-device/cross-software process, and all of the red tape that is bound to come with itā€¦

But just lettuce dream for a second would ya?


šŸ„‡ Want the news before anyone else?


šŸ”Ž This seems important:

In one sentence: Some expect BTC to dip before rallying (as it typically does at this point of the cycle), others think the BTC ETFs will halt the trend - both are good long term outcomes.

Are you team ā€˜Collapse nā€™ Rebuildā€™ or team ā€˜Skyrocketā€™?

Confused by the question? Same.

Hereā€™s what weā€™re on about:

Right now there are two schools of thought as to where Bitcoin is going to go in the coming months.

One side points to the fact that, historically, we tend to see a break down in price at this time in the cycle ā€” before launching to new all time highs.

The other side claims this time is different, because we now have Bitcoin ETFs, which are vacuuming up BTC, day-after-day (essentially stabilizing the price).

Now hereā€™s the cool partā€¦

None of this matters.

Both are great outcomes in their own right:

  1. If the price breaks down before take off ā€” thatā€™s a buying opportunity.

  2. If it the price climbs straight up to all time highs from here ā€” weā€™re all makinā€™ money baaaaby.

That said, if youā€™d like to debate in real-time about this win-win situation, the conversation/argument seems to be living on this X/Twitter post.


šŸ¤ Partner:

Based on the global ave of $4.07 USD, we can buy ourselves 896 Big Macs with our profits right now!

Remember when we said we wanted to see if we could turn $5k into $10k by investing in crypto projects?

We invested an average of $100 per week, over 12 months - and documented it all.

What tokens/DAOs we were buying, why we were buying them, and the tools/platforms we used to do so.

All written in plain, easy to digest, English (thatā€™s kind of our ā€˜thingā€™).

Fair warning: this isnā€™t some shiny crypto masterclass, featuring pros that have millions of dollars to play with.

Itā€™s a rough and ready learning experience, played out in public - where we've taken the financial risks, so you donā€™t have to.

If you want to read through all 25 crypto project deep dives, hit the big red button below.

Oh, and now you can get 20% off the full set of reports toošŸ‘‡

šŸ”Ŗ Let's dissect this:

In one sentence: Michael Saylor called $MSTR a ā€˜BTC development company,ā€™ and then committed to help push the development of the Bitcoin network. 

At this point you know there are a few ways to invest in Bitcoin without actually holding Bitcoin. 

(If you didnā€™t know, then read our recap of options aqui).

And today, a very well known Bitcoin advocate is making a case for forgetting about the Bitcoin ETFs, and buying their stock instead.

(And weā€™re kinda here for it).

Hereā€™s what's happening: 

In 2020, MicroStrategy ($MSTR) traded in its cash holdings for BTC (and has continued buying ever since) ā€” to the point that, now, MicroStrategyā€™s bag of 190,000 BTC (~$8 Billion USD) is the largest BTC holding of any publicly traded company/fund.

MicroStrategy Executive Chairman/Bitcoin mega bull, Michael Saylor, called $MSTR a ā€˜Bitcoin development companyā€™ ā€” and then committed to help push the development of the Bitcoin network.  

Hereā€™s the big takeaway: 

Whether youā€™re buying shares in MicroStrategy or a Bitcoin ETF, both give you a degree of separation from actually holding/storing/controlling Bitcoin.

The major difference is that $MSTR is using its funds to help push the Bitcoin network forward, and advocating for further innovation. 

Either way, they each bring more folks into the crypto world.

(And who doesnā€™t love that).

Michael Saylor Explains the Bitcoin Protocol

šŸ‘‡ Other stuff you may have missed

Alright, thatā€™s it for today!
Love to the family,

 Chevy ,  Seb & The Web3 Daily Team. 

P.S. Want to learn how to research and value cryptocurrencies? We have a framework  that does just that .

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